The Hague Business Club

We are

The Hague Business Club

Innovate. Develop. Connect.

For Business

We are a dynamic community dedicated to developing future leaders, entrepreneurs, and young professionals.

Our core values

At The Hague Business Club, our core values are the foundation of everything we do. They inspire our members and guide our interactions with the business world.

Innovation is key. We encourage creativity and renewal; essential for tomorrow’s leaders and professionals.

Personal and professional growth are our priority. We offer practical experiences and opportunities for development.

We believe in the power of connections. We build bridges between students and the corporate world for sustainable relationships.

We combine youthful dynamics with professional standards. We cultivate a culture of integrity and excellence.


Innovation is key. We encourage creativity and renewal; essential for tomorrow's leaders and professionals.


Personal and professional growth are our priority. We offer practical experiences and opportunities for development.


We believe in the power of connections. We build bridges between students and the corporate world for sustainable relationships.


We combine youthful dynamics with professional standards. We cultivate a culture of integrity and excellence.

About us

We are a dynamic study association that is committed to the professional development of future leaders, entrepreneurs, and young professionals. Our focus is on creating real business experiences and developing a strong professional network.

Our goal is to create a unique connection between study and the business world. We strive to create an environment in which students can develop into young professionals, ready to tackle the challenges of today’s business world. At THBC, we work to build a network of partners and offer practical, real-world experiences. We do this by bringing students and businesses together through projects, events, and educational collaborations.

Our members, consisting of both the board and the first group of students, are the driving force behind our association. They dedicate themselves to shaping the association and promoting our core values: innovation, networking, professionalism, and development. As THBC, we are on the verge of our full launch, with the ambition of making a significant impact in the interaction between education and business. We invite you to be part of our community, where we jointly build a future full of possibilities and success.

Our mission

Our mission is to bring together and professionalize students, preparing them for leadership roles and a distinctive position in the business world.

Our vision

We believe in a future where students develop into well-prepared and highly skilled professionals. Through dynamic challenges and practical experiences, we guide our members in their transformation into young professionals with an ethical and professional approach.

Our mission is to bring together and professionalize students, preparing them for leadership roles and a distinctive position in the business world.

We believe in a future where students develop into well-prepared and highly skilled professionals. Through dynamic challenges and practical experiences, we guide our members in their transformation into young professionals with an ethical and professional approach.


Building together for the future

Our doors are open to companies and organizations interested in exploring collaboration opportunities. We strongly believe in building relationships based on mutual trust and shared goals. A conversation with us can be the first step towards a fruitful collaboration that adds value to your business and contributes to the development of future professionals.

Trust in Students and Initiative: Our trust in the abilities of our students is the driving force behind THBC. We believe that students, when given the right opportunities and guidance, can achieve extraordinary things. This initiative is a testament to that trust. We encourage companies to participate in this unique project, where they can directly contribute to and benefit from the fresh ideas and unprecedented energy of our members.

We invite you to join us in shaping this future and making a lasting impact on tomorrow’s leaders.

W. Breunesse & R. Bruitzman
Board of Commissioners


At The Hague Business Club, we pride ourselves on the strong and dynamic relationships we build with our partners. Our partnerships play a crucial role in enriching the experiences of our members and strengthening our mission to bridge the gap between academic studies and the business world.




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CRM Implementation

Project: Implementation of a CRM System

Purpose: Optimizing management of members, partners, and other important contacts.

Description: This project involves selecting and implementing an advanced Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system.

By integrating this technological solution, THBC aims to streamline our member and partner management, allowing us to communicate more efficiently, maintain relationships, and make strategic decisions.

The CRM system will play a central role in organizing our networks and improving our operational efficiency.


Project: Development of a Marketing and Social Media Plan

Goal: To increase visibility and engagement of THBC through targeted marketing and social media strategies.

Description: This project focuses on creating a comprehensive marketing and social media plan that aligns with THBC’s objectives.

It involves developing a brand strategy, content planning, and utilizing various social media platforms to strengthen our presence.

Through effective communication and digital marketing, we aim to grow our community and promote our events and initiatives.

Partner Program

Project: Development of a Partner Program

Purpose: Strengthen partnerships with businesses and organizations to provide mutual growth and opportunities.

Description: This project aims to establish a partner program to develop long-term and fruitful relationships with businesses and organizations.

The program will focus on identifying potential partnerships that provide synergy with our goals, such as providing practical experiences to members and creating networking opportunities.

We will collaborate with our partners on joint projects, events, and workshops.

Frequently asked questions

THBC offers various collaboration opportunities, including sponsoring events and activities, participating in and organizing workshops and guest lectures, joint projects, and the opportunity for companies to offer internships or traineeships to our members.

Companies can benefit from access to a pool of talented and motivated students, enhanced brand awareness among a young and dynamic audience, and the opportunity to identify and shape future employees.

Networking is a core component of our business. Costs may vary depending on the type and scope of the partnership. We strive for flexible partnership models that meet the needs of both the company and THBC.

Please contact us using the details provided on our website. One of our representatives will be in touch to discuss the options and mutual expectations.

Yes, businesses can participate in the educational program by offering practical projects, guest lectures, or workshops. This enables students to gain practical experience and learn from industry professionals.

Yes, we encourage businesses to offer internships or traineeships to our members. This is an excellent way for companies to scout talented students at an early stage and for students to gain valuable work experience.

We work closely with both our members and partner companies to ensure that every project or event is valuable and relevant. This includes aligning the objectives of the collaboration and regularly evaluating the results.

Frequently Asked Questions

At The Hague Business Club, we are dedicated to building sustainable and fruitful relationships with companies.

Our collaborations are focused on creating mutual value – students gain practical experiences and companies gain access to fresh, innovative ideas and future talents. We believe in a partnership that goes beyond the traditional academic setting, bridging the gap between the business world and the academic community.

Together, we can create an environment where both students and companies grow and learn. We invite you to explore the opportunities and be part of our dynamic and progressive community. Let’s shape the future together!

Our roadmap

At The Hague Business Club, we follow a carefully planned journey outlined by three crucial project phases. These phases form the backbone of our organization and guide us towards our goal of bridging the gap between academic and business life.

Phase 1
Foundation & Structure

October 2023


In this initial phase, we lay the foundation. The board is appointed and together we form the core of the association. We establish our goals, mission, and vision and formalize essential matters. We also register with the Chamber of Commerce and set up organizational systems and structures. This phase is crucial for establishing our identity and ensuring a solid foundation for future growth.

Tasks to be completed during this phase include:

Appointment and introduction of the board, determination of the mission, vision, and goals.
Drafting and formalization of articles of association and regulations, registration with the Chamber of Commerce. Organizational structure and implementation of operational systems.

Phase 2
Growth & Development

January 2024


In the Growth & Development phase, we welcome a select group of first members. These members play a key role in setting up and organizing various departments such as finance, marketing, events, and education. They are essential in further developing our organization and launching our network. During this phase, we also gather partners and lay the foundation for our future activities.

Tasks in this phase include selection and onboarding of first members, establishment and organization of functional departments, development of organizational processes and policy formation, building our network and strategic partnerships, and launching our first initiatives.

Phase 3

October 2024


With the formal opening of the faculty member association, we mark the start of our full operational phase. All departments are now active and our activities, partnerships, and programs are fully functional.

This phase signifies reaching a significant milestone in our journey, as THBC becomes a full-fledged player in connecting students with the industry.

Key achievements under this phase include the formal association opening for members, full operational departments, event and workshop organization, member programs and services implementation, and consolidation of partnerships while expanding our network.